It is amusing how I assume since the younger generations can run a smartphone and have FB accounts they know how to do everything on the computers or at least understand all forms of media. I spent one class period at the beginning of the year teaching all my students how to send an attachment in an email something I assumed they do all the time. I know I have to do it all the time.
So my question is does this mean that blogging and email are old school technologies that younger generations cancel out with twitter and FB or that we assume students have access to all forms of technology and in reality they don't? Could we know more than they do?
P.S. This is just a random thought post and not my article research post. Just in case...
I find blogs in between generations. My siblings have no interest in blogs; I'm at retirement age. Facebook and cell phones dominate the younger generation to the exclusion of blogs. Blogs require too many words and serious thought. So blogs may just be a tools of professionals until professionals use blogs with the younger generation. Thank you for your work with the students.